Friday, December 12, 2008

Lily gold yarn work in progress part 1

Working on a Lily yarn gold top with a combination of crochet and knitting. Shown above is the crochet pattern.

Outcome of the pattern after about 5 inches long. I need to crochet in total 13 inches before switching to a knitting design. Decided to knit the top half cos' the gap/holes are too wide to wear without an inner wear.

For the crochet part 3 Clover needles are used, starting with no 0: 1.75mm then no 2: 1.50mm and no: 4 1.25mm at the end to achieve a widening effect without adding more stitches.

A flower pattern to be attached to the bottom when completed.

So far done only 2 flowers out of maybe 7 or more. As you can see from the picture another Victoria Cotton Yarn is use to make the piping so the flower will "stand up" acting as a backbone.
The difficult part will be hiding all the yarn into the flower itself at the back. There are 16 Victoria yarn and 2 Lily yarn to hide in that little flower...omg dreadful indeed!!

Picture shows part of the 2 inches of knitting out of 6 inches in a pair of 2.5mm needle!
Oh gosh looks likes I have a long way to go especially slow at the knitting part as the needles are real tiny but the outcome will be definately nicer compare to double yarn in a thicker needle.


Emily said...

Hi Arlene,
How is this piece coming along?

Arlene said...

Hi Emily, sad to say it's as slow as the tortoise...*_*